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1976 Environmental Impact Statement for the New River

The 572 pages of the 1976 Environmental Impact Statement for the New River to be named a National Wild and Scenic River contain a lot of interesting information on the river and the region.

They also include 33 pages of comments from the Appalachian Power Company that outline their opinion on the first draft of the document. Comments that, understandably, outline the company’s objections to the action, and comments that maybe aren’t so understandable.

Certainly not to anyone who has ever stood on the banks of the New River; or waded out into its clean, cool water; or who has floated along through the serene mountain scenery.

Here are some of the comments of an unfortunate lawyer whose job required him to deny the attributes of paradise:

Page 428:
“Only a small handful of our nation’s rivers have been selected by the Congress or by the Secretary of the Interior for inclusion into the National Wild and Scenic River system… The 26.5 mile stretch of the New River and of its South Fork were not even among the 650 rivers originally reviewed.

“Accordingly one would expect some slight indication in the Draft EIS as to what, if any, special attractions of this stretch of the New River have been discovered at this late date which now warrant its meteoric elevation to the select handful of our nation’s rivers deserving of the Wild and Scenic River classification.

“Surely this past ‘oversight’ of the scenic features of the river segment and the particular circumstances surrounding the proposal by North Carolina to have it included in the system clearly suggest that more than the usual scrutiny is required in this case in order for the Secretary to make the judgment that this stretch of river, in the words of the Act, ‘possess[es] outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other similar values,’ (Section l(b) of the Wild and Scenic River Act)…”

Page 431:
“What are the scenic qualities which support its inclusion? The Draft EIS briefly mentions… ‘many rapids in the riverway and approximately 10 outstanding rock crops…’ No further description or clue is provided as to the nature or relative beauty of these rapids and rock outcrops. In fact it would appear from the emphasis on history and geology later on in the Draft EIS that its authors may not even be resting the case for inclusion in the System on the scenic qualities of the New River in North Carolina…

“…there would appear to be serious doubt as to whether the portion of the river proposed for inclusion possesses the kind of ‘outstandingly remarkable scenic’ features contemplated by the Act.”

There would appear to be serious doubt as to what was weaker, the man’s vision or his argument.

The R.A. Doughton Bridge

Text from this post is an article from the September 6, 1938 edition of the Bristol News Bulletin about the dedication of the R.A. Doughton Bridge on US Highway 21, just south of Independence in Virginia. At the event, officials unveiled a bronze plaque, commemorating Lt. Governor Doughton who was former head of the NC highway commission. The plaque was removed when the bridge was torn down and replaced in 1989. It is now in the Alleghany Historical Museum, donated by the Woodruff family.

Big Crowd At Road Program

Bridge over New River is Dedicated to Rep. Doughton, Carolina

Prominent local attorney, and brother of Bob Doughton, Rufus Doughton was elected to the NC House of Representatives in 1887. He subsequently served in 1889, 1891, 1903, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, and 1933. In 1891 he was chosen Speaker of the House and in 1892 was elected NC Lieutenant Governor, serving in that capacity from 1893 to 1897.
(Photo from History of Alleghany County 1859-1976)

WYTHEVILLE, Va. Sept. 6 (AP)—
Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina joined hands yesterday morning at the dedication of Doughton Memorial Bridge over New River near Independence and again yesterday afternoon at a barbecue and celebration of the recent completion of a link in the Lakes-to-Florida highway. The new stretch of hard-surfaced road joins Wytheville and Independence.

Some 2,000 persons attended the exercises at the bridge when the span, located in Virginia a few hundred yards from the North Carolina line, was dedicated to R. A. Doughton, former chairman of the North Carolina highway commission and former lieutenant-governor of that state.

Governor Clyde Hoey of North Carolina, in praising Doughton, said it is a “unique fact that the bridge was built in Virginia with the aid of North Carolina funds and that the span was being named for a North Carolinian.” North Carolina contributed half of the $100,000 spent in construction of the bridge.

Commenting on the friendship which exists between Virginia and North Carolina and on the administration of governmental affairs of the two states, Hoey suggested that “others come to Virginia and North Carolina to see how a government ought to be run and how the people ought to be served.”

Former Governor Trinkle Speaks

Former Governor E. Lee Trinkle, of Roanoke, who dedicated the bridge, praised Virginians, West Virginians and North Carolinians who have worked for completion of route 21 in Grayson and Wythe counties for some 15 years.

A bronze marker at the south entrance to the bridge on which was inscribed the following:

Dedicated to R.A. Doughton
Built in 1927

In his response to the dedicatory speech, Doughton said, “I regard this as the greatest moment of my life and I want to thank the Virginians who made this bridge possible.” The structure was built in 1927 but its dedication was postponed until the road between here and Independence was hard-surfaced.

Original plaque from the bridge which was built in 1927, dedicated in 1938 and replaced in 1989.
Donated to Alleghany Historical Museum by the Woodruff family.
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Nora Caudill Wagoner – Oldest WWI Red Cross Nurse

Sept. 5, 1982 – Article from the Chronicle-Tribune
in Marion, Indiana

Nora Caudill Wagoner, until her death this February at 99 years of age, was America’s oldest Red Cross Volunteer on record in the United States. She graduated from the Marion Hospital nursing school in 1905.

Mrs, Wagoner in 1979, just before her 97th birthday holding a framed photo of her 1905 graduating class at Marion Hospital in Marion, Indiana.
Clipping from the February 15, 1982 edition of the Raleigh News and Observer.

Shortly before Mrs. Wagoner’s death, her daughter, Mrs. Elvira Crouse, wrote the Chronicle-Tribune and asked if the city would be interested in hearing the story of this pioneer nurse who got her start in Marion.

She furnished us with photographs her mother, kept over the years and the story of Nora Wagoner – one of the earliest professional nurses.

By Celeste Williams

Nora Caudill was born Dec. 17, 1882, the fifth of 12 children, in Alleghany County on Air Bellows Mountain, North Carolina, an energetic girl with a dream to travel.

She would often visit relatives who lived in Marion, Indiana. And it was on one of these visits that she saw a woman in a starched white apron and hat tend to a patient in the home of a friend. And right then she decided to become a nurse.

“I admired her uniform and her cap,” she recalled, “I thought she was just wonderful.”

At the time of Nora’s birth, a woman named Clara Barton was organizing nurses into the American Red Cross. And nursing was just coming into its own by the time Nora decided she wanted this to be her profession.

Hospitals were a new phenomenon in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and they were few and far between. So were schools to educate nurses, and so were working women.

But the first Marion Hospital, with a capacity of 20 patients, was opened in 1896, on S. Washington Street, and was owned and operated by Dr. T. C. Kimball.

Miss Caudill and others on the steps of the Marion Hospital, sometime before 1905.
The hospital opened in this frame house in the late 1800s. The 20-patient hospital’s nurses training program was organized in 1902.

Nora Caudill stood tall for a photographer in 1905 with nine other nurses and Dr. Sam Davis (great-uncle of Dr. Joseph B. Davis, Marion), for a graduation class portrait.

In this portrait of the 1905 Marion Hospital graduating class, Nora is standing directly behind
Dr. Sam Davis, seated, center front.

The women, hands folded in their laps and short smiles on their pursed lips, were dressed in the traditional starched uniforms – striped blouses with high, stiff white collars, long white aprons and white hats perched atop long hair pulled back into buns.

Nora Mae Caudill – 1904

Nora finally achieved her goal — what was to come next?

“There were few hospitals anywhere in the nation,” she later recalled, so she remained in Marion for a time as a private duty nurse for wealthy families and professionals, she said.

Nora was about as eager to travel as she was to become a nurse. So she left Marion with her diploma, her medical supplies in a little leather bag, and an urge to travel. She carried with her no worries about what people would say about a young unmarried woman traveling alone.

“I had a desire to see the country,” she said. “So I would stay in one state maybe two or three years then move to another.”

So, for 15 years, Nora rode the trains of the United Slates as what she called a “tramp nurse.” She saw Indiana, Montana, Washington, Idaho, South Dakota, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina.

“I made a habit or wearing my Red Cross pin and in my travels I was approached many times by people needing help,” she said. “Once in Chicago, a railroad conductor saw my pin and asked if I would get off the train and help in an emergency. I stayed there for a week before continuing my trip.”

Nora Mae Caudill
Alleghany native and, for a time, the oldest living Red Cross nurse from World War I.
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Rebecca Moon Entrusts Mega Research Site to AHGS

If you’ve ever encountered a site called, you’re already familiar with this immense (invaluable, accessible, comprehensive, etc.) genealogical resource. If you’ve not yet visited in the 20 years it’s been online and you’re interested in Alleghany County history, you really should take a look.

The site is called, The Cheek Family of Alleghany County, North Carolina, and it covers that family’s history well. But, it also includes info on 135 other surnames that historically interact with the family.

It, also (!), includes the subsite, Deed Abstracts of Alleghany County, NC with a list that begins in the 1700s, before Alleghany County existed, and ends in 1880.
It’s searchable by date or by a surname index. You’ll also find a list of land grants, there.

Incredibly, the site also includes Rebecca’s excellent resource,

An Appalachian Onomasticon
Female Names in the Upper New River Valley of North Carolina
1700’S to about 1850.

This huge list of female, “given names” was taken from Alleghany’s early deed abstracts, and (in what must have taken countless hours) extracted, researched and recorded here.

Find photos, maps, documents and much more at the site. We appreciate Rebecca’s work in researching and assembling this wonderful resource!
And we thank her for sending it to us!

John Carteret – Land “Lord”

John Carteret, 2nd Earl Granville, commonly known by the title,
Lord Carteret.

“North Carolina was a proprietary colony originally, with eight ‘Lords Proprietor’ owning the land from 1663 to 1729. In 1729, seven of those eight lords were persuaded to sell their land back to the English Crown. The eighth Lord Proprietor at that time was John Carteret, Baron Carteret of Hawnes in the County of Bedford; and he refused to sell his share back to the Crown, although he never visited his land in North Carolina during the course of his lifetime.

“Originally, he was entitled to one tract of land in NC, a second tract of land in SC, and yet another in GA (all of which were originally part of ‘Carolina’). Samuel Warner, a London surveyor, was hired to calculate the size that one continuous tract would be, and he determined that Carteret’s one-eighth share should be from the northern boundary the current VA/NC line (36 degrees 30 minutes), and the southern boundary, 35 degrees 34 minutes.  In 1743 the initial boundary line was surveyed by a commission.  The line was extended westward in 1746, and again in 1753. The sixty-mile-wide tract of land was to extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. [actually it’s a little over 64 miles. Emphasis added– Ed.] 

The Granville District- shown extending to the Pacific Ocean
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