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Sparta High School Yearbooks Available Now!


Reprint of The Forty-Niners from 1949


Reprint of The Echos of Sparta Hi from 1947.

Reprints of the 1947 and the 1949 Sparta High Yearbooks are now on sale! These editions are reasonably priced at just $12.50 each and proceeds from book sales go to help fund the Museum. We are also currently working on a reprint of the first Sparta yearbook from 1939. The books feature the High School grades and all elementary grades at Sparta School that year.

AHGS books can be found online at or at the Museum when we re-open March 31st.

Stop by and help support the Historical Museum!


Alleghany Centennial Image from 1959

SpartaParade022616This is an image from the Alleghany County Centennial parade held in 1959 in Sparta, North Carolina. The Alleghany Historical – Genealogical Society is currently working on a book of photographs of the Centennial Celebration from half a century ago.

Museum Display at the Blue Ridge Business Development Center


The new Historical Museum display at the Blue Ridge BDC.

The folks at the Blue Ridge BDC invited the Historical Society to place a display case in the lobby of the facility to publicize last fall’s photographic exhibit, Alleghany Images. They have also agreed to host presentations for future Historical Museum exhibits.
For the Spring exhibit, Fancy Pants- A Presentation of Old-fashioned Fashions, we have featured an iridescent, two-piece, taffeta outfit that belonged to Susan Parks Doughton, wife of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Rufus Alexander Doughton. Mrs. Parks was born in 1865 and passed away in 1951.
The BDC is an important partner for the Museum as it is also the home of Wilkes Community College and, at the end of this year, the Alleghany County Public Library.
We appreciate very much the opportunity to advertise the Museum at the BDC.


The Museum opens for spring, Thursday, March 31. If you have clothes, shoes, hats or any historically, fashionable accessories you’d like to loan for display, contact Reba Evans at the museum 336-372-2115.


Vintage Selfie

Below is the original scan of the image: (Click to enlarge.)

Below is a zoomed-in version with enhanced brightness & contrast. In this image, you can more clearly see the photographer’s long-distance device, which allowed him to be a part of the selfie. (Click to enlarge.)

Brinegar Day Sept 26

AHGS will have a booth at Brinegar Day September 26. The event, held at Brinegar Cabin, will be from 10am-4pm, on the Blue Ridge Parkway. At our booth, we will share information on regional farming practices from the late 1800s. Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway plans to have a demonstration on making apple butter. We look forward to seeing you on the 26th of September!


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