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Sgt. Guy R. Torney – Called Out – April 12, 1917

Version 3

Sgt. Guy R. Torney, husband of Mildred Sturgill Torney.

Guy Ritchey Torney was born September 20, 1898 in Emlenton, Pennsylvania and enlisted in the National Guard April 16,1917. He was promoted to Sergeant, June 1, 1918 and was discharged June 28,1919. He died August 21, 1982 and was buried in Piney Creek United Methodist Church Cemetery.

Mildred passed away in 2014 and left the family papers to the Alleghany Historical – Genealogical Society, which she helped found. We are sharing Mr. Torney’s century-old account of his trip to France in honor of Memorial Day.
Click the images to enlarge.
Torneya Torney 1a Torney 2a Torney 3a Torney 4a

Sparta-Alleghany Fire Department


(left-to-right) Lawrence Tayson (#11), Homer Edwards (#10), Tom Truitt (#7), Eugene Higgins (#9), Paul Irwin (#3), Clarence Hendricks (#4), Oliver Sidden (#5), Web Miller (#6) and Clete Choate (#1).

c.1948 Photo from Margaret Crouse,  from a color slide shot by her father Cliff Evans.

Piney Creek School

This is a photo Edna Warden Perry brought us several years ago, of Piney Creek School decorated for some celebration – probably commencement. Mrs. Perry was a teacher for 28 years and a great friend of the Historical Society. She passed away in 2012.


The photo is featured in the Spring 2016 edition of the AHGS newsletter. The quarterly newsletter has won a prestigious Joe M. McLaurin Newsletter Award for the last 7 years.

If you’d like to recieve the AHGS Newsletter, membership in the Society is just $20 per year. If you have a story or photographs to include, contact us at:

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