Susan Yarborough brought us this great photo of a 1937 Ford Tudor Sedan stopped at the old Laurel Springs ESSO and Post Office. The building was located approximately where the current Laurel Springs, North Carolina, Post Office and Fire Station now stand.
To commemorate the holiday, let’s consider a different kind of a “Father”, this weekend.
Alleghany native, Robert L. Doughton could, arguably, be considered the “Father of the Blue Ridge Parkway.” After all, without his efforts in navigating the legislation through Congress, the whole project might never have been funded.
Isom and Phoebe Cheek Fender, Great-Grandparents of Tom King from Whitehead, married October 1st, 1867.
Isom Cicero Fender (1848-1944) born in what was then, Ashe County- now Alleghany County, North Carolina. This photo was made July 11, 1941 when Mr. Fender was 93 years old.
Phoebe Cheek Fender (1849-1929) Daughter of Henderson and Lucy Bryant Cheek, had seven children, including a set of twins. This photo was made sometime around 1924 when Mrs. Fender would have been around 75 years old.
Saddlebags and surveying equipment, donated by Pratt Davis, from Letcher E. Edwards, who lived at Stratford, North Carolina.
Letcher Edwards
Mr. Edwards served as Alleghany County Register of Deeds 1924-32 and 1942-45.
Letcher E. Edwards (1877-1975) married Hattie Joines Hendrix (1895-1989) at Twin Oaks, NC, May 9, 1942. He is believed to be the only Alleghany Register to issue his own marriage license.
Mr. Edwards’ second wife was Pratt’s husband, Duane Davis’ Aunt Hattie (and he was her second husband). Duane was born in 1945 and spent summers with Hattie and Letcher.
The couple had no children of their own. Letcher taught Duane how to use the tools eventually he gave his nephew.
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